Pegah Salimi

Pegah Salimi Elizi

Born in 1982 in Tehran, Iran

Bachelor of painting from the academy of fine arts in Rome, Italy
Masters degree in painting from academy of fine arts in Rome, Italy. 

Solo exhibitions: 
2022    Gallery Rischee, Tehran, Iran.
2019    Gallery Hepta, Tehran, Iran. 
2016    Gallery Jorjani, Tehran, Iran.
2014    Gallery Laleh, Tehran, Iran. 

Group exhibitions:
2022    Gallery Hoom, Tehran, Iran. 
2021    Galley Negar, Tehran, Iran. 
2021    Gallery Hengam, Tehran, Iran. 
2019    Charity Exhibition in Book City, Tehran, Iran. 
2019    Gallery Negar, Tehran, Iran. 
2019    Gallery Aliha, Tehran, Iran. 
2019    GalleryTtarahi Honar, Tehran, Iran. 
2018    Galley House of Artists, Tehran, Iran. 
2017    Gallery Freshteh, Tehran, Iran. 
2017    Gallery Zavieh, Tehran, Iran. 
2018    Gallery Asia House London, England. 
2018    Gallery and more group exhibition of printing and design, Gutenberg, Sweden.
2017    Gallery Freshteh, Tehran, Iran. 
2017    Gallery Serfis, Tehran, Iran. 
2016    Italian Parliament, Rome, Italy.
2016    Gallery Teatro dei Discuri al Quirinale, Rome, Italy.
2015    Selected in the Competition Multi Vision on city, Rome, Italy.
2013    Home Gallery, Tehran, Iran.  
2013    Hena Gallery, Tehran, Iran.  
2012    Selected in the Competition .Ricoh Competition, Milan, Italy.
2012    Gallery Vittoria, Rome, Italy.
2011    Olympic Competition, Rome, Italy.
2011    Gallery Vittoria .second prize winner, Rome, Italy. 
2011    Gallery Della Pagina, Rome, Italy. 
2010    Gallery Sala Deghli Irafi, Spoletto, Italy.
2010    Gallery Cosmos Competition, Fucechio, Italy.
2007    The 7th Painting Biennale, Tehran, Iran.
2006    Gallery Saba, Tehran, Iran.
2005    Gallery of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.