Mehdi Mohseni

Born in 1988 in Kerman, Iran

2014     B.A. in Sculpture, Tehran University
2013     Certificate of General Proficiency in Public Art and Urban Art, Association of Iranian
Sculptors, Tehran, Iran

Solo Exhibitions:
2024    “Fearless Face of Fear”, exhibition consist of paintings, sculptures and video installation, Etemad Gallery Tehran , Iran
2015     “Serotonin”, multimedia Paintings and Relief exhibition, Sobhan Gallery, Tehran, Iran

Group Exhibitions:
2021     “Carbon 1”, Group Exhibition, Etemad Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2020     “Tehran begins from its alleys.”, Iranian Artists House, Tehran, Iran
2019     “Four Sides of Imagination”, Iranian Artists House, Tehran, Iran
2018     “Nothing and Absurd”, Zavieh Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2013     Selected Works of Iranian Artists, Annual Exhibition, Iranian Artists House, Tehran, Iran
2012     Sculpture Exhibition, Laleh Gallery, Tehran, Iran
2012     “+me” The Second Annual Exhibition of Elahe, Tehran, Iran

2020     The 8th “Saatin” Annual Sculpture Festival, Tehran, Iran
2018     The 8th National Sculpture Biennale of Tehran, Vahdat Hall Opera House, Tehran, Iran
2018     The 5th International Urban Sculpture Symposium of Kish, Kish Island, Iran
2016     The 1st National Wood Sculpture Festival of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2012     The 4th Symposium of Tehran’s Urban Sculptures, Qasr Garden Museum, Tehran, Iran

Outdoor Installations:
2018     “Ship of Dreams”, Garden Sculpture Museum, Kish Island, Iran
2016     “Goodbye”, Kerman National Library, Kerman, Iran
2015     “Nostalgic Cars”, Tehran, Iran
2014     “To Be Happy”, Tehran, Iran

Other Works:
2018-2021     Art Teacher in several art institutes, Tehran, Iran
2018     Present: Member of the Association of Iranian Sculptors
2014     Member of the Art Council, Art Festival of Tehran (Baharestan)
2013     Member of the Art Council, Environmental ART Festival, Tehran, Iran
2013     3-month residency at “Maps” Institute, Tehran, Iran